Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Japan starts fingerprinting foreigners

Nov. 20 - The new anti-terrorism measure is largely accepted by travellers, but criticised by foreign residents in Japan.

Immigrations procedures upon entering Japan have been tightened in a move the government says is part of its fight against global terrorism.

Automatic fingerprint reading machines and digital photo taking computers have been introduced into international airports and ports across Japan aimed at collecting data of all incoming foreigners.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Stem cell breakthrough in Japan

Nov 23 - Japanese scientists have succeeded in creating embryonic stem cells without using embryos.

The bio-team from Kyoto University announced their discovery on 20th. Nov, 2007 along with another team from the University of Wisconsin in the U.S. who'd made the same breakthough during separate research.

It's expected this development will clear a major ethical roadblock to the medical use of the technology.

Japan Hunts the Humpback. Now Comes the Backlash.

The Japanese ritual of killing whales in the name of scientific research may inspire new protest with the targeting of the endangered species.